Forever Chemicals Canada may mark a new dawn of commitment to the health and well-being of millions of people by banning PFAS (Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl...
A new study conducted by the University of Sheffield has found that Fungi have enormous potential to save soil and reduce global warming for good. The...
Exciting news for green technology! Currently, researchers at the European Space Agency are conducting tests to explore the potential of a highly promising fuel for a...
Spout Atmospheric Water Generator This new countertop atmospheric water generator is being called the most revolutionary invention of drinking water since the tap. Spout is a...
We’ve got some amazing neuroscience news for you! A new study of the brain has led scientists down a path to better understanding the early signs...
P13K Pathway P13K may not sound like much, but its huge! Scientists have made a ground-breaking discovery that offers great potential for nerve regeneration after severe...
Join the buzz with Paul Handrick, known as The Bee Guy, as he shares his mixed feelings about World Bee Day and misconceptions about how to...
Great news! A remarkable breakthrough in brain technology has enabled a man who was paralyzed in a bicycle accident over a decade ago to regain the...
Ranthambore National Park Aditya and Poonam Singh are not your average couple. In little over a decade, they turned a wasteland near Ranthambore National Park into...
Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that you really wanted to take but were afraid to because you thought it wouldn’t work out? What...