January Brain January brain—otherwise known as the winter blues—is a phenomenon where people feel more sluggish and tired in the wintertime, particularly during the month of...
Upside-Down Trains If you’ve never seen an upside-down train before, you’ll love this. Okay, its not entirely true that this train is upside down—unless you’re considering...
Dr. Michiaki Takahashi Before 1995, it’s estimated that chickenpox resulted in approximately 4 million cases, 10,000 hospitalizations, and up to 150 deaths per year. Now, because...
Why is Taking Risks Important? You need to take risks because taking a risk uncovers potential, just like the present moment uncovers the future. By taking...
Cool Quotes for Success Have you ever heard or read something that moved you? What made those cool quotes so powerful? Motivational quotes for success can...