Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls School Nestled within the heart of Rajasthan, India, the Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls School was created in the middle of the desert to give...
Renewable Energy Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels More than 85% of renewable energy projects commissioned in 2022 were cheaper than fossil fuels, according to The International Renewable...
Electronic Soil (eSoil) Have you heard of hydroponic farming? It’s a way of growing plants in monitored indoor environments without the need for soil. Hydroponics is...
VS100: First Transatlantic Flight to Use 100% Sustainable Fuel Made From Fat Just recently, Virgin Airlines Flight VS100 took off. It traveled from Heathrow Airport in...
Baby Sumatran Rhino Gives Hope to Entire Species The one thing that can bring hope to a struggling species is a breath of new life. That’s...
How to Have a Sustainable Christmas Did you know that in places like the UK, the amount of waste goes up 30% during the Christmas season?...
Oneka Technologies An exciting new marine technology may soon provide enough fresh water to supply entire cities… And it comes directly from the ocean. Oneka Technologies,...