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The Humane AI Pin is Here! So is Everything You Need to Know



What is the Humane AI Pin?

Inspirational startup Humane and Multinational tech innovator Qualcomm Technologies have marked the future of AI for humanity by creating the Humane AI Pin, a standalone wearable device that uses sensors to contextualize the way you interact with the world, turning complex queries into personalized output that can do things like:

  • Translate what you say into any other language using your very voice.
  • Tell you whether what you are about to eat is safe given your diet preferences or health conditions.
  • Allows you to answer calls that you receive from the palm of your hand without using a cell phone.

We are excited to reveal our first device will be called the Humane Ai Pin”, say co-founders of Humane, Imran Chaudhri, and Bethany Bongiorno. “Our Ai Pin presents an opportunity for people to take AI with them everywhere and to unlock a new era of personal mobile computing which is seamless, screenless, and sensing.”

The Device is Standalone and Has a “Trust Light”

The device is standalone, meaning there is no need to pair it with any other devices. It uses sensors that enable it to pick up on everything you see and hear so that when you ask it something, it fully understands the context of your question.

It also uses a built-in depth sensor to project itself into any given surface, like the palm of a hand.

To ebb privacy concerns, when the AI Pin’s camera, microphone, or sensors are recording data, a light on the device known as the “Trust Light” shines yellow. This shows that the device is active in collecting input and data around it.

The device will run on a mix of custom software and ChatGPT-4.

Humane AI Pin Price

The Humane AI Pin will cost $699 USD. The device is meant to integrate data, storage, and AI models into a device that—if lives up to its intent—replaces mobile phones. For this reason, the Humane AI Pin will also require a subscription fee of $24 per month that consists of cellular data and a mobile number.

In September 2023, the Humane AI Pin was showcased at the Paris Fashion Week, presenting the device in both white and black colours.

Humane AI Pin Release Date and Shipping

Humane wanted the release of the pin to be on the same date as the solar eclipse on October 14. However, the release date was moved to November 16, 2023.

Preorders for the AI pin will begin shipping out in March 2024 on a first come first serve basis. Those who purchased priority access orders will recieve their pins first.

Humane AI Pin TED Talk

In the Humane AI Pin TED talk, Imran Chaudhri can be seen answering a call from his wife by intending to do so. His “hello” starts the conversation, and his “bye” ends it.

The Humane AI Pin was also shown to recognize objects around it and even pick up on the nutritional profile of food packaging. In the TED talk showcasing the Humane AI Pin, Imran Chaudhri can also be seen asking the AI whether he can eat a chocolate bar that he pulled out of his pocket.

“A milky bar contains cocoa butter”, replied the AI. “Given your intolerance, you may want to avoid it.”

“Why fumble for your phone, when you can just hold an object, and ask questions about it?” Further states Imran Chaudhri, co-founder of Humane and inventor of Apple iPhone’s user interface. “The result almost feels like the whole world is your operating system.”

What Does the Humane AI Pin Do?

An incredible thing about this device is that when the AI Pin is asked something, the manner in which you ask it does not need to be specific, yet the response you get is specific to what is happening in your life.

In the Humane AI Pin TED talk, Imran asked his AI Pin to update him on what he had missed, and every piece of data that the AI Pin gathered, from texts to emails, allowed the pin to generate the sort of response that a human would give if it were your personal assistance.

AI can sift through massive amounts of data very quickly, and this ability is now being used to restore coral reefs and remove pesticides from food, and now with the Human AI Pin, artificial intelligence seems to create a form of personalized assistant for people.

It doesn’t just tell you your emails; it contextualizes them.

How is This Device So Different from Other Technology?

A machine would read your emails the way they are written; a true AI is quite different. Instead of reading your emails out loud, it tells you exactly what your emails are saying in the own words of the AI—words that might be hard to predict.

Sound familiar?

It should, because human intelligence is like this too, and like AI, that intelligence is only limited to what humans can learn; the difference, however, is that an AI can learn much quicker.

If you ask Humane, the future of AI means the disappearance of the computer screen. While looking at the history of technology, devices get smaller as tech becomes more refined, and the smaller devices get, the more personalized they become.

Our brains are the most personal things each of us has, yet we can’t see them by ourselves; in fact, we don’t physically see our thoughts, but we can reveal them in ways that are physical.

Think of this: Imran Chaudhri’s thoughts were to have the technology that is behind the screen reveal information without you physically being able to see the screen itself, much like our brains.

Is the Humane AI Pin the Future of Technology?

If the smallest thing that can possibly answer a phone call is currently a watch, and technology is continually advancing, then the next steps are an ambient technology—like the Humane AI Pin— and eventually an integrated one—like Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

But while the prospect of having a chip implanted in the brain is an uneasy one for many to swallow, the Human AI Pin may be something that even skeptics are able to get behind.

CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman says that AI is underestimated, and in the Ted Talk, Imran Chaudhri adds, “so long as we get it right.”

If Humane does indeed get this right, it would be yet another story of human endeavour that goes on to show that a revealed thought, no matter how far-off it may sound at first, can become a reality.

So, if you are ever feeling like you can’t achieve something incredible in your life, then that is indeed a motivational thought.

And if the questions that we ask set us on the path of the answers we seek, then we can’t wait to see the kinds of solutions that the Humane AI Pin can offer after it is asked questions.

The letters "AI" projected in the sky of a futuristic city

Adam Hamadiya is a serial entrepreneur, professional writer, and Search Engine Marketing expert. He is the co-founder of


A Talking Lamp? Top 5 Unbelievable AI Technologies in 2024



view of the earth. showing ai technology in 2024

AI Technologies in 2024

The year 2024 is sure to go down in history as the era of Artificial Intelligence. New AI technology has reached an astounding level of accuracy and versatility. The possibilities are now endless.

In the last few months, new ideas and gadgets have been coming out at such a pace that it’s nearly impossible to keep up. Here’s a rundown of the top 5 unbelievable AI technologies in 2024 and beyond.

OpenAI: Sora AI

Open AI’s new Sora application can make realistic video footage based on your language prompt.

Sora’s work is based on a library of video samples. It’s been trained to associate these videos with certain words. For example, a user asks for a video of two pirate ships battling each other in a cup of coffee, then Sora can use those prompts to pinpoint existing videos of ships, battles, and coffee. It will study designs, movements, and concepts and use them to make an original and realistic masterpiece.

Open AI is being understandably cautious about releasing this new AI technology in 2024. They’ve only released it to a few developers so that they can fix and tweak any bugs. Nevertheless, this upcoming AI technology sends the imagination soaring.

Baracoda: BMind AI Smart Mirror

This upcoming AI mirror is supposed to increase its owner’s mental health and improve their mood.

The BMind AI Mirror was developed by health tech pioneer Baracoda. It uses Artificial Intelligence to scan its owner’s face, posture, and gestures. Then it makes an educated guess as to their current emotional state. It even asks them how they’re feeling!

Recently, a journalist at an AI conference tested the mirror out. When she stood in front of it, it began by asking how her day was going. To test it, she said her day was terrible. It then turned on a calming, blue light, offered words of encouragement, and even offered a meditation session.

This new AI technology is expected to be available to the public by the end of 2024, and with a price tag between $500-$1000.

Nobi: Smart Lamp

The one thing that most seniors fear is falling. They’re more prone to these kinds of events and are impacted by them more deeply than younger people.

That’s why Nobi, the age tech specialist, developed the Smart Lamp. This attractive ceiling light fixture is loaded with high-tech features. Its primary purpose is to prevent falls and provide critical instant help when falls occur.

It unobtrusively monitors the movements of anyone in its range. As soon as someone falls, the caregiver that is connected to the lamp is notified. They can then talk with their patient or loved one through the lamp to make sure they are okay.

After a fall, the device provides caregivers with security-protected pictures of the fall. Caregivers can analyze the pictures to see exactly what happened, allowing them to avoid falls in the future.

Pininfarina: OSIM uLove3 Well-Being Chair

There’s a new way to relax using AI technology in 2024. It’s a new chair that could find its way into the corner of your own living room.

Pininfarina is the Italian luxury firm famous for the design of the Ferrari. They’ve now released an amazing new AI smart chair that takes stress relief into new realms.

Everyone experiences stress in their own way depending on factors such as age, size, and activity level. When a user sits in the OSIM uLove3 Well-Being Chair, an AI-powered biometric algorithm measures heart rate and lung function. It uses this information to determine a body tension score. Then, it uses that information to provide a personalized system of massages and calming music.

This chair is already available for purchase. At around $7,999.00 USD, it doesn’t come cheap, but for such a cool thing, it may just be worth the price.

Swarovski: AX Visio Smart Binoculars

Bird watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts around the world will be excited to hear about Swarovski’s AX Visio Smart Binoculars.

Bird watching is a practice as old as humankind itself. It’s fun, relaxing, and easy to do. It’s hard to imagine that someone could have found a way to make it even better. Swarovski, the luxury crystal company, was up to the challenge. They’ve developed a fantastic new pair of binoculars that will make spotting much more exciting.

The binoculars use new AI technology to access an immense database of bird data from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Cornell is one of the premier bird research facilities in the world. It uses the database to identify the exact species of bird or mammal it’s focused on.

Work is ongoing to teach these binoculars how to identify everything: such as butterflies, mushrooms, and even stars.

Other New AI Technologies You Should Know About

2024 won’t be the only year to look forward to when it comes to Artificial Intelligence. Here’s a few other AI technologies that we’ve covered on inspiring click:

  • The Human AI Pin: This is a wearable, standalone AI device that can do things like translate your speech into another language and monitor dietary choices. It is meant to replace your phone with something a little more invisible.
  • Organoid Intelligence: Also known as OI. This is a new branch of AI that is creating the worlds first biological-computer using real brain cells.
  • Smart Cane: The Smart cane turns ordinary walking canes into ones that can pair with smart phones; helping the visually impaired in incredible ways.
  • Weapon Detection System: This is a free, open-source app that is offered to non-profit organization to help protect them. It can detect guns in schools and immediately inform the police.
  • Google’s Articulate Medical Intelligence Explorer: This is Googles newest medical AI that runs diagnostics on patients. In the future, it may be used in clinics so that you can get in to see the doctor a lot quicker.

AI technology in 2024 is sure to make many things that we once thought of as fantasy into a reality. This leaves us wondering what inspiring innovations tomorrow will bring.

earth shaped heart in the milky way symbolizing ai technology in 2024 can be very helpful

IC Inspiration

At the dawn of AI was the now famous ChatGPT. This was one of the earliest publicly available applications that allowed natural conversation between computers and humans.

Who knew it could help diagnose a young boy?

Alex started experiencing significant pain at the age of four when he tried jumping in a bouncy house his parents bought him. His nanny gave him pain medication which helped for a while, but then his symptoms started changing. He was having emotional outbursts. He started chewing things and seemed exhausted all the time. He couldn’t move his legs properly, seeming to drag the left one behind him like dead weight.

His parents took him to the doctor, and then another doctor. Some time past, and a variety of other doctors failed to come up with a diagnosis that satisfactorily explained all his symptoms.

His mother, Courtney, theorizes that this was because each specialist was only interested in or able to study their own area of expertise. His condition impacted so many areas of his life that no single specialist could get to the heart of the matter.

So, after 17 different doctors and one trip to the emergency room, Courtney tried a different approach. She asked ChatGPT.

“I went line by line of everything that was in his (MRI notes) and plugged it into ChatGPT,” she told “I put the note in there about … how he wouldn’t sit crisscross applesauce. To me, that was a huge trigger (that) a structural thing could be wrong.”

And she was right.

Once ChatGPT knew everything there was to know about Alex’s condition and compared it to all the medical knowledge housed on the internet, “tethered cord symptom” was ChatGPT’s suggestion.

It’s a relatively rare medical condition related to the more commonly known Spina Bifida. Children who have it are born with their spinal cord attached to another part of the body, such as a cyst or a bone. It causes pain and limits a child’s freedom of movement.

Courtney took Alex to a new neurologist along with ChatGPT’s suggestion, and the doctor agreed with the computer.

Today, Alex has undergone surgery to correct his condition. He’s beginning to recover, much to his and his family’s tremendous relief. Soon, this sports-loving boy may be out on the field with his friends, again.

Experts still warn against the idea that ChatGPT can be an effective diagnostician.

It can only review and repeat what others have written and can’t think outside the box and come up with an original diagnosis. It’s still better to get a final diagnosis from a trained medical expert.

However, it’s an exciting thought that it can, in the very least, start us on the right path. It helped Alex find the treatment he deserves.

What a tremendous start to AI technologies in 2024.

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Alef Model A Flying Car Pre-Orders Surge to a Whopping 2,850



Alef Model A new flying car

Alef Model A

Alef: the first letter in the Hebrew, Arabic, and Persian languages, is now the word behind the first flying car ever created.

The all-electric Alef Model A is set to hit airways in 2025. The new flying car— whose look was developed by Bugatti designer Hirash Razaghi— has recently received certification from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to begin testing its flight capabilities, and pre-orders are currently surging.

CEO of Alef Aeronautics, Jim Dukhovny, was inspired to create a flying car after watching Back to the Future. Coincidentally, Alef Aeronautics started developing the car in 2015, the same year that the movie predicted we would have real flying cars.

Alef Model A Price

The Alef Model A is priced at $300,000 USD per vehicle, with pre-orders being taken right now. Buyers have the option between a general pre-order for $150 USD, or $1500 for priority queue.

According to Jim Dukhovny, 2,850 pre-orders have been placed so far. This represents more than $855,000,000 of revenue that Alef Aeronautics would make upon release. These numbers are expected to rise as the Alef Model A continues to wow audiences.

The new flying car made an appearance at the Detroit Auto Show, which resulted in a surge of pre-orders that has since increased.

How Does the Alef Flying Car Work?

The new flying car works like a conventional car that allows you to drive on streets, but it is also equipped with eight propellers, giving those who have it the ability to fly up vertically in traffic jams and then take off, leaving traffic behind—or underneath—them.

Flying Cars Can Solve the World’s Traffic Problems

In an era where some cities spend up to 156 hours a year in traffic jams, flying cars help relieve a congestion problem that researchers say needs to be addressed. In fact, drivers in major Canadian cities spent an average of 144 hours stuck in traffic in 2022 alone. This means that If traffic doesn’t get any better, a Canadian who remains a driver for the next 30 years could spend more than 150 days of their driving life stuck in traffic jams.

What is the Speed of the Alef Model A?

The flying car is a low-speed driving vehicle and allows for a speed up to 25 miles (40kpm) on the road. It has a driving range of 200 miles (322km) and a flying range of 110 miles (177km).

It is fully powered with electric energy, so besides emerging as a transformative way of reducing time wasted on congested roads, it is also emerging as an invention for sustainable transportation—much like Michelins UPTIS airless car tires.

Has the Alef Model A Actually Flown?

While prototypes were flown by ALEF between 2016 and 2019, the flying car is yet to show a live demonstration of the vehicle actually flying. In fact, the top flying speed for the ALEF Model A has not yet been revealed. This suggests smaller-scale experiments are being made before a full public flight takes place.

Alef Model A Release Date

The FAA has granted special air-worthy certification for the Alef Model A to begin testing its flight capabilities. Alef Aeronautics plans to ship out the flying cars in 2026. However, the new flying car still needs to obtain approval from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration before flying in public and being used on roads.

The Alef Model Z Release Date and Price

Alef Aeronautics is also developing a four to six-passenger version of the flying car called the Alef Model Z. They are aiming to release it in 2035 with a much lower price tag of $35,000. This low price is meant to increase the number of people flying cars in the future. Other flying cars, like the Doroni H1, have also placed competitive prices for their eVTOL (electric vehicle take off landing) vehicles.

Alef Model A vs Doroni H1

The Alef Model A is not the only flying car. The Doroni H1 is another eVTOL (electric vehicle take off landing) vehicle that is highly anticipated. While they both share some futuristic properties, they have some key differences:

  • Alef Model A: Designed to look and feel like a traditional car. This flying car is made for extended journeys, with a focus on integration into existing roadways. It can drive on roads and then elevate to fly.
  • Doroni H1: Resembles a more conventional small aircraft, with a distinct emphasis on its aerial capabilities. This eVTOL is Designed for shorter flights. It is made for people who want the experience of being their own pilot.


SpecificationsAlef Model ADoroni H1
Range on road200 milesN/A
Range in airN/A60 miles per trip
Top Speed in airN/A120 mph
Capacity 1 driver, 1 passenger1 pilot, 1 passenger
Price (approx.)$300,000$150,000

Are Flying Cars the Future?

The flying car market is estimated to reach a value of $1.5 trillion by 2040. Interestingly enough, that is about as much as the current car market is worth today. Moreover, many flying car companies are revealing plans for eVTOL’s with affordable price tags. All signs seem to lead to the possibility that flying cars will soon be a big part of the future.

As suggested in the Alef model A video, you can expect to see emergency responders, the army, and perhaps even local police flying them around, because response time is crucial for them.

But what if everyone does have a flying car in the future? What would it take to make that possible, and what would happen to our planet?

Will Flying Cars be Autonomous?

After a certain number of cars are in the air, flying would have to be autonomous. This would be the only way to ensure the safety of fliers as the sky begins to fill up vehicles (imagine distracted flying for a moment… It’s quite different than distracted driving).

Autonomous flying cars in the future would have to use radar and lidar to detect everything around them because since you can’t have lane markings in the air, the sole use of cameras would be useless for the self-flying car to stay on course; in fact, there would be no course; the entire sky could be everyone’s flying space.

What Would Happen if Everyone Did Fly Cars?

But imagine for a moment that we made it work, and this all happened. What would happen to the roads?

Just recently, the first freeway system in the world was discovered in an ancient Mayan city that remained hidden for thousands of years underneath a jungle in Guatemala.

Nature begins to take over roads when they are not being used. Everything turns green and lush, habitats start to form, and if everyone is flying from one place to another in an electric car, then the view underneath becomes the sort of sight that you used to travel miles away from home just to see.

Could the future be one where technology and nature co-exist? Where so much green makes the air you breathe so clean, that it gives a whole new meaning to the term fresh air— and it is only because we’re literally in the air.

A motivational thought indeed, and perhaps only a dream. Maybe someone who comes back to the future can let me know.

Are you reading this, Doc? If so, get in touch on our socials below.

Alef Model A flying across the alps
Photo courtesy of Alef Aeronautics

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Free AI Weapon Detection App Can Prevent School Shootings



ai weapon detection system for schools

AI Weapon Detection

School shootings are sudden and horrific events. There have been 394 school shootings in North America since 1999. These events are marked by panic, chaos, confusion, and missing information. But now, AI weapon detection systems are being used to stop school shootings before they even happen. Some highly motivated companies are even offering these systems for free. Open Source Threat Detection is a tech company that is offering a free AI weapon detection system to help stop school shooters in their tracks. The AI has been trained to detect guns, knives, kevlar vests, and robbery masks.

Brian Sathianathan, Chief Technology Officer at, says schools and universities need technology like this. Offering an open-source version of the system is the most effective way to get it into as many schools as possible.

Are you a Non-Profit That Could Use an AI Gun Weapon Detection System?

The GitHub code for the threat detection system is available on the website. This encourages software developers, UX designers, and AI engineers to make the app even better than it is. wants to encourage non-profits like schools and religious institutions to use the system.

There is no single miracle answer to a complicated problem like school violence, but AI weapon detection systems could protect thousands of people.

How Does an AI Weapon Detection System Work?

The AI weapon detection system scans hundreds of items in a given space at a time. It then uses algorithms to instantly detect a gun or knife being carried into the area. When it catches something dangerous, it signals the authorities within seconds. It can even track the individual as they move throughout the building.

In past attacks, distressed survivors have provided police with contradicting and confused information. This can cost officers vital time in stopping the shooter. However, with AI weapon detection technology, police can enter into active situations with vital information already available to them. It is even possible for them to receive second-to-second updates about the suspect’s location and actions.

How Does AI Scan for Weapons?

Every AI gun detection system uses scanning software. By categorizing hundreds of items in a space, the AI weapon scanning software can zero in on threats. An AI is trained on data from videos and fictional scenarios that help it develop an understanding of what it’s looking for, and what a particularly dangerous situation looks like. weapon detection, for example, has been programmed to instantly recognize a variety of weapons. This includes handguns, semi-automatic weapons, bulletproof vests, and knives that are more than six inches long.

This particular AI was trained on 20,000 videos of robberies involving weapons over the last twenty years.

The Future of AI Weapon Detection Systems in School

There is no single miracle answer to a complicated problem like school shootings, but An AI gun detection system provides hope that many dangerous situations will be averted in the future. The future beyond 2024 looks bright, and now, it is more likely that we can send our children to school and see them return safely even if a bad situation does happen.

ai weapon detection systems

IC Inspiration

Arguably, one of the strongest voices in the endless struggle with school violence comes from a girl whose voice was silenced many years ago.

Rachel Joy Scott was the first person killed in the Columbine massacre. She was only 17 years old.

However, even amid such horror, something amazing arose.

There were things about Rachel that even her family didn’t know. She was a compassionate and generous person who had a dream to reach out to those who needed it the most.

In her diary, she wrote: “I want to reach out to those with special needs because they are often overlooked. I want to reach out to those who are new in school because they don’t have any friends yet. And I want to reach out to those who are picked on or put down by others.”

She didn’t just write these words, however. She lived them, too.

People began sharing wonderful stories about how she befriended those who were different. They told how she protected her classmates against bullies.

When she was thirteen, she traced her hands on the back of her dresser. On her picture, she wrote a message:

 “These are the hands of Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people’s hearts.”

Her dream to reach out to the world could have ended that day in the schoolyard at Columbine High School. Her family decided to make sure that didn’t happen.

Instead, her memory and her legacy are being shared through the non-profit organization called “Rachel’s Challenge.” The organization works with students and teachers at all levels. Speakers go out to schools to talk to teachers and students about how to end bullying and school violence. They encourage students to take up Rachel’s challenge. She developed This concept in an inspirational essay she wrote shortly before she passed away.

“I have this theory, that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion, then it will start a chain reaction of the same”

Rachel Joy Scott

At each Rachel’s Challenge event, students and staff are encouraged to take up this challenge. They’re asked to put it into practice in their lives and their schools. Students are even encouraged to sign a pledge to give their school a fresh start. In some schools, clubs are founded based on the challenge. They’re called Friends of Rachel clubs.

People are not limited to in-person visits, however. The Rachel’s Challenge website encourages visitors to sign the pledge online.

Rachel’s challenge has seen great success. Thirty million students, educators, and parents have been reached. Through this challenging and important work, an average of 150 lives are saved every year. Rachel’s Challenge even reports at least eight school shootings have been averted.

Of all the recent innovations in Artificial Intelligence, perhaps the one thing that will finally make school shootings a thing of the past is just a little bit of simple compassion.

Rachel sure thought so.

“My codes may seem like a fantasy that can never be reached but test them for yourself, and see the kind of effect they have in the lives of people around you. You just may start a chain reaction.”

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