Health & Wellness

What is Earthing? 2 Amazing Health Benefits You Should Know



Two recent studies in the field of environmental science have shown that the practice of earthing, or grounding therapy, can help us recover from injuries by significantly reducing inflammation, and can greatly increase the quality of sleep we get at night.

The practice itself is easy to learn. All that’s needed is your feet, some soil, and a little time.

What is Earthing or Grounding?

Earthing, sometimes referred to as “grounding,” is the practice of allowing our bodies to make direct contact with the earth—think of walking barefoot on grass or sand, or immersing your feet in soil. Some in snowy regions have even invested in equipment like an earth mat, an innovation that takes grounding indoors.

What was once thought to be a quaint form of folk medicine is turning out to have real scientific precedence. The practice of grounding is quickly becoming a legitimate form of science that explores the physiological and psychological benefits of connecting with the enormous amount of electrons coursing through the earth’s surface.

How Does Earthing Work?

Most of the earth’s surface is naturally conductive. This means that Earth has electrons that are constantly being replenished. Studies suggest that our Earth’s electrons are virtually limitless sources of healing for the body.  

Our brain sends signals to every system of the body using electricity, and we are just beginning to understand the role Earth’s electrons play in regulating these systems.

Since most of our time is spent indoors, we are most likely missing out on the benefits of connecting with the earth, and dedicating time to doing so can be greatly beneficial.

Why is Grounding Important?

Many of the more pervasive problems in our society such as stress, acute pain, and restlessness can be at least partially caused by a lack of connection with the earth’s electrical field. Grounding therapy or earthing can reduce stress and pain, and promote the rest needed for optimal health.

Earthing Benefits 1: Reduces Painful Inflammation

Replenishment of the earth’s electrons can help regulate the biological functions of the body responsible for the inflammation that occurs after an injury. Patients recovering from injuries recover much faster while practising grounding, and the practice can even prevent inflammation from happening altogether following an injury. Photographs from case studies show that the inflammation around the injured area of subjects is noticeably less or absent altogether.

Study Source: National Library of Medicine

The inflammation seen around a wound can be thought of as “collateral damage” to healthy cells caused by the cells repairing the damaged part of the body. The presence of electrons in the body after grounding neutralizes many of the excess cells produced to respond to an injury, thereby eliminating much of the painful inflammation.

Earthing benefits 2: Boosts Quality of Sleep

Sleep is profoundly important to both our physical and psychological well-being, and REM sleep in particular has been shown to be important for mental health. To test the effects of grounding, participants in one study slept with a cotton sheet woven with conductive threads. These threads were attached to a wire running out of the room and into a metal pole placed in the ground.

8 weeks of observation led to a noticeable stabilization of the participant’s circadian cortisol secretion – the biological process that determines when we become alert and when we feel tired. Many of the participants claimed that their sleep improved after the study and that they felt less stress overall.  

Bringing the body into harmony with the earth’s electrons can stabilize the electrical systems governing our organs, tissues, and cells. A more stable bioelectrical system leads to a greater sense of well-being and increased quality of life.

How To Practice Earthing

If you’re wondering how to ground yourself, then just take off your shoes and step onto the earth with your bare feet. It’s really that easy. You may be surprised to find how quickly you begin to benefit from it. If you feel some inflammation, then like the participants in the studies, it may only take 30 minutes for the inflation to greatly subside.

You can practice earthing techniques stationary or in motion. Walking barefoot can be enjoyable provided you have a safe area to do it. Otherwise, you can stand or sit on a patch of grass or soil. 

If the thought of standing in one place for a long time is not something you find particularly likable, you can use your time standing or sitting on the earth to practice the art of mindfulness. If you have trouble quieting your mind, then the practice of earthing can be a perfect opportunity to try.

Whichever method you use, you can be happy knowing that your body is being rejuvenated by the power of the earth itself. 


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