
3 Cool Quotes for Success and Their Powerful Meaning



Cool Quotes for Success

Have you ever heard or read something that moved you? What made those cool quotes so powerful?

Motivational quotes for success can be very helpful tools for inspiration. They can create the right stream of thought for your success, and get you moving in the direction of your goals.

Sometimes, we are even moved by words that we don’t fully understand, and it isn’t until later that we realize their true meaning, and why we were moved by them in the first place.

This is because the spaces between words are sometimes more powerful than the words themselves, because within those spaces is where you are, and as you grow, you grow into those words.

As far as cool quotes go, that can be the first one of this article, but I won’t count it as one of the three, because I only want it to set the basis for the deep motivational quotes that are coming up.

So, here are 3 quotes that I have created, and the profound meaning that they have had for me in my life’s journey. They are the very words that I have grown into; each one creating a unique thought for success that will go on to help you in your journey too.

Owning Up to What You Are Good at is the Most Effective Form of Being True to Yourself in the Business World

Your strengths are somebody else’s weaknesses, and your weaknesses are somebody else’s strengths. But while people only value their strengths, they never value their weaknesses. 

This is odd because by having weaknesses, you collaborate with others for their strengths. If you were strong in everything, you would never learn anything from anyone, so where is the value in that?

It’s your weaknesses that will lead you to value others for their strengths, and it is because of your strengths that others will value what you do. 

That is precisely what business is about; in fact, you hire a professional because they are strong in something you may not be strong in. So, weaknesses have as much a role to play as strengths, and both are valuable, but owning up to what you are good at is the prerequisite to creating your value.

Some try very hard to make others proud, so their efforts go towards trying to become good at something, even if that thing is not where their strengths are.

Conversely, some are proud of what they are good at, so their efforts instead go towards creating something with what they already have, because that is already where they’re strengths are.

If you are at a crossroads—trying to make someone else proud but having to pursue a career that doesn’t align with your strengths—then ask them this: would you be more proud of me if I spent my time learning how to do something good, or if I actually did something good?

They will most likely say that doing something good is more valuable, and for a million and one reasons, they would probably be right. If that’s the case, then remind them that by pursuing the path that you are passionate about, you may end up making them prouder than if you go the path that they want for you.

In fact, by being true to yourself, there is a very real opportunity that you will end up making them prouder than they can ever imagine. Because if they have only imagined you on the path that they want for you, then what you achieve on the path of being true to yourself can only end up being beyond their imagination. Which brings me to my second cool quote.

Your Reality Is Everyone Else’s Imagination—So by Being True to Yourself, You Will Always Exceed Expectations

At this very moment, you may just have everything that you need for you to be what you want to be in your life. You could even be worth a billion dollars, and nobody would know it… Yet.

The reality is, you have goals that you want to manifest, and by pursuing those goals, you continually do things to get closer to them.

Your goals are a reality; if they weren’t, you wouldn’t be doing things to reach them.

But to everyone on the outside, your goals are an imagination, and it isn’t until you achieve those goals that people begin to see them as a reality. But you already know them as a reality; even if you don’t fully grasp the greatness of what you will achieve with them.

No successful person ever knew how successful they would actually be, but each one of them felt a motivational drive when they worked toward their goals. Moreover, nobody around any of those successful people ever knew how successful they would be either, but those people weren’t the ones actively working towards that goal, so that drive was never theirs.

That is why your reality is everyone else’s imagination; because unless somebody is experiencing something, all they can ever do is imagine what it is like.

Others only have the thought of success about you, but you are the one putting in the work, and everyone else needs to see your success before they come to know it as a reality. But the only thing that you yourself need for your success to be a reality, is a real goal. And when you reach it, nobody had ever fathomed how great it would actually become.

This brings me to the last of my deep motivational quotes.

When Dreams and Goals Become Synonymous, Reality Becomes Greatness

Dreams are made up of reality. When you sleep, you subconsciously use the information that you have picked up in your waking life to create the dream.

But goals are made up of the dreams that you want to have. When you start dreaming about your goals, then even your subconscious is working to make you successful.

You don’t need to work on your subconscious to steer it in the direction of your goals, you just need to be so conscious about your goals while you’re awake, that you start actively doing things that get you closer to earning them.

If your subconscious uses information from your waking life to create your dreams, then you will start dreaming about your goals if you focus on them while you are awake.

Cool Quotes: A Final Thought for Success

Words are like signs; the right ones will point you in the right direction. But they’re also tools; they’ll go on to shape your outlook.

The strong thought of success can go a long way in making you successful. If the right words inspire those kinds of thoughts, then be ready to see some more inspirational quotes from me in the future.  

To recap the 3 motivational quotes for success:

  • “Owning up to what you are good at is the most effective form of being true to yourself in the business world.”
  • “Your reality is everyone else’s imagination. So by being true to yourself, you will always exceed expectations.”
  • “When Dreams and Goals Become Synonymous, Reality Becomes Greatness ”

– Adam Hamadiya


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