
How To Manifest a Positive Outlook and Be Successful



Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that you really wanted to take but were afraid to because you thought it wouldn’t work out?

What was the first thing you asked yourself?

Was it, “what if it doesn’t work out?”

Well, if it didn’t work out and you wanted it to, then don’t feel bad. This one’s for you!

As incredible as you are—and you are incredible—it can be hard to manifest a positive outlook, but that can all be changed by asking the right questions. How will asking the right question help?

Because by understanding that your life invariably goes in the direction of the answers that you seek, you will begin to ask the right questions so that you can seek out the direction you want.

For example, if you ask, “what if things don’t work out”, then all your thoughts afterwards become negative because your thoughts will invariably focus on everything correlated with the word failure.

But if you instead ask, “What if things do work out”, then all the thoughts that come afterwards will be positive because those thoughts will invariably focus on everything correlated with the word success. 

The difference between does and doesn’t is two letters. Who would have thought that two simple letters can have such a huge impact on your life?

If the default question you ask is “what if things don’t work out”, and you begin to catch yourself before asking it and instead ask “what if things do work out”, then how long do you think it will take before your entire mentality changes and you begin to internalize how to be more positive?

How long after internalizing a positive outlook will you begin to notice that you start to feel more successful?

I would say not long at all because when you are focused on the positive you are so busy fulfilling your dreams that the question of “when” becomes irrelevant.

If you define success as fulfilling your dreams, then asking the right questions is training you how to be successful in life.

But what makes the questions we ask relevant to us in the first place? The meaning behind questions may be deeper than you thought, so keep reading for more intriguing insights!

Why Do We Ask Questions?

While there are so many amazing things about being an adult; you’ve got to hand it to children, they have no problem maintaining a positive outlook.

Have you ever noticed how children will go on endlessly asking questions? Any answer you give will not satisfy them. The question again rises: why?

They only ask questions so that they can ask more questions. They don’t really care about the answer; they just care about the process. If they wanted an answer, they would have asked “what”, because when you ask “what”, the answer that you’re given can’t be taken deeper with another “what”.

“Why” on the other hand is quite different. Any answer you give with why can be taken a little deeper with another “why”. Go ahead and try it!

We grownups are much more experienced than children, and so we actually care about the answer. So, while we may at times ask why, we more often than not ask what.

This is because we want direction!

If answers are conclusions, then questions would have to lead to outcomes. That is why the questions you ask determine whether you go in a negative or positive direction.  

By asking yourself positive questions, you will get a positive stream of thought. The question of how to be more positive then relies on your ability to catch yourself when you’re thinking negatively and ask yourself positive questions.

Think of everything good that you have ever wanted, and then ask yourself, “What if I get that!”

A Positive Outlook Relies on Directing, Not Controlling

In recent times, positive thinking has become somewhat of a concept to adopt. People are often told to think happy thoughts, but if you have a thought before you think it, then wouldn’t it make more sense to start at the source?

Consider that questions always come before answers. This means that after you ask a question, the thought process follows in the direction of that question. The source is the question, so instead of trying to think positively by trying to control your thoughts, you can much more easily manifest a positive outlook by directing them through the questions you ask.

Positive questioning may be the only prerequisite of positive thinking.  

If the thought process is like a stream, then you don’t want to try and stop the stream from flowing because then there isn’t going to be any water. However, you can direct it, and upon directing it you can even turn the stream into a pond for your enjoyment.

The Way to Become Successful in Life

At this point, you have gathered some insights on how to be more positive, and the fact is that a positive outlook has a tremendous influence on whether we feel successful in life.

Success and failure are not two geographical locations; they are the product of your innermost subjectivity.

By catching yourself when you find that you are asking questions that lead you to focus on negative things, you can begin to ask yourself the questions that will lead you to focus on the positive things.

Again, if you are ever feeling down, think of everything that you have ever wanted, and then ask yourself, “What if I get that!”

When positive questioning becomes your default; when you begin to ask the right questions, then you will begin to aim yourself in the direction of success.

To Sum up:

  • Our lives invariably go in the direction of the answers that we seek, so
  • Catch yourself when you ask questions that direct toward negative thoughts, then  
  • ask yourself questions that direct toward positive thoughts instead, and
  • You will begin to develop a positive outlook

With a positive outlook, you will learn how to be successful in life. There is no stopping you at that point!


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